Kimberley a. Widger


Keynote Speaker
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Kimberley a. Widger

Kimberley Widger is an Associate Professor and Associate Dean, Academic at the Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto. She holds the Canada Research Chair in Pediatric Palliative Care. She is also a Nursing Research Associate with the Pediatric Advanced Care Team and Project Investigator in the Research Institute at the Hospital for Sick Children and an Adjunct Scientist in the Lifespan Program at ICES. She is a Fellow of both the Canadian and American Academies of Nursing. Her vision is that every family of a child diagnosed with a life-threatening illness receives optimal pediatric palliative care throughout the illness regardless of where they receive care and the outcome of the illness. To achieve this vision, the overarching goal of her program of research is to identify, examine, and enhance the structures, processes, and outcomes of palliative care provided to children living with life-threatening illnesses and their families.


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